Ranch Dressing and Election Anxiety

…hooooooooo boy. At this point, my anxiety has taken up permanent residence in my stomach and probably won’t let up until November. And Election Day’s still two weeks away. How am I going to manage it? Good question. I don’t know. I do know that I am way more tired than usual – at the… Continue reading Ranch Dressing and Election Anxiety

Back for Fall

And with this, I have officially drawn more comics in the month of September than any previous month!  Woo! …yes, I know it’s only 4.  And that it’s the end of September.  But it still counts!

A Desire Deferred

…yeah. I’ve realized that what happened in February to this blog is still affecting me on some level. Some of it is just residual sadness/frustration that it all happened to begin with – just losing almost a decade’s worth of work.  Some of it has to do with references – like, I’ll want to draw… Continue reading A Desire Deferred

The Eyes Don’t Have It

Got my eyes checked for the first time in 7 years. Surprise – my eyes have gotten worse. Especially Ol’ Righty, which is surprising, considering it was the stronger one for most of my life. This time around – nope.  Compared to the left one, it was just blurry. So new glasses ahoy. (Which was… Continue reading The Eyes Don’t Have It

Gremlin Squad

So, I had no idea what to draw for the longest time. Then my friend Chelsea was like, “Why not draw some fan art?” Then I played some more Pokemon. And here we are, with my newly dubbed Gremlin Squad from Pokemon Violet! Featuring: My Bobble-Headed Fire Son! (Emilio the Charcadet) Menace with a Hammer! (Seraphina… Continue reading Gremlin Squad