Fear the Yule Cat

Also fairly certain that it’s really only a danger during the Christmas season, so there’s that, too. Hope everyone’s 2025 is off to a good start!  We are currently snowed in here.  Work’s been closed for the past couple of days.  Who knows what tomorrow’s gonna look like?


Based off of the multiple times this season I’ve caught myself saying “If you don’t tell me what you want for Christmas, I’m getting you socks,” only to remember that that stops being a threat once you hit your twenties.  Then it’s like, “Yes PLEASE, gimme those sweet, sweet socks.” So go out and give… Continue reading …socks?


Well. Time to get started. I’ll be trawling through the depths of the Wayback Machine and seeing what I can find/save. Just from a cursory run-through, it seems incredibly promising.  Especially with the stuff from 2015/2016. The goal is to save as much writing as I can.  It’s going to be saved in multiple places,… Continue reading Archiving