Wow, that’s a lot of writing in the fourth panel. But hopefully it gets my point across about the weird relationship between anxiety and time management. Especially with everything going on in the world recently… Also I hope I remember to draw Pocket Watch more than once. I like his design.
Tag: Art Stuff
Oh, What to Do with a Moth Guy
Poor guy didn’t see that coming. Also, why isn’t he flying? He’s a moth. …aw well. Expect to see him again at some point.
That Moth Guy
…I can explain. Long story short – on Instagram, some artists will post “Adoptables.” These are characters that they’ve designed that people can purchase, or “adopt,” to use however they wish. This one artist, Ventii Art, used to have these frequently. And I kept missing them. Until one fateful day in January of 2023, when… Continue reading That Moth Guy
A Desire Deferred
…yeah. I’ve realized that what happened in February to this blog is still affecting me on some level. Some of it is just residual sadness/frustration that it all happened to begin with – just losing almost a decade’s worth of work. Some of it has to do with references – like, I’ll want to draw… Continue reading A Desire Deferred
Gremlin Squad
So, I had no idea what to draw for the longest time. Then my friend Chelsea was like, “Why not draw some fan art?” Then I played some more Pokemon. And here we are, with my newly dubbed Gremlin Squad from Pokemon Violet! Featuring: My Bobble-Headed Fire Son! (Emilio the Charcadet) Menace with a Hammer! (Seraphina… Continue reading Gremlin Squad
Me, before learning what this manga/novel is about: Huh, that’s a funny title! Wonder what it’s about? Me, after: And now I’m sad.
Back to Business
…soooooo. It’s been a bit since I’ve hopped on here. Or even really drawn anything. Wish I had a decent excuse, but no. Just fell down a fanfiction rabbit hole and am just now coming up for air. Hopefully more stuff to come soon!
Funguary 2024 – Inky Cap
So, the prompt for this Funguary week was “edible.” Which, you wouldn’t think a mushroom that looks like the inky cap would be edible. But I guess anything is edible at least once. Also a stark difference from the last time I drew Inky Cap Girl…
Funguary 2024 – Silver Leaf Fungus
Trying to go for an assassin/ninja type thing here, since this guy can be fatal to plants…