Fan Club Woes

The book being referenced here is A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, by T. Kingfisher. One of the best books I read last year – highly recommend. And yes, there is a semi-sentient sourdough starter named Bob who acts as the main character Mona’s familiar. And yes, he is the best character, alongside the animated… Continue reading Fan Club Woes

Pocket Watch

Wow, that’s a lot of writing in the fourth panel. But hopefully it gets my point across about the weird relationship between anxiety and time management.  Especially with everything going on in the world recently… Also I hope I remember to draw Pocket Watch more than once.  I like his design.

Thawing Out

…oh. Hi there. It’s been a while. You know, I came into 2025 thinking, “Oh yeah, I’m gonna totally make up for 2024 and just draw everyday!  I’m just gonna produce so much ART.” And, well. That very clearly didn’t happen, judging from the ONE COMIC I drew in January. One. And I’m really not… Continue reading Thawing Out

Fear the Yule Cat

Also fairly certain that it’s really only a danger during the Christmas season, so there’s that, too. Hope everyone’s 2025 is off to a good start!  We are currently snowed in here.  Work’s been closed for the past couple of days.  Who knows what tomorrow’s gonna look like?


Based off of the multiple times this season I’ve caught myself saying “If you don’t tell me what you want for Christmas, I’m getting you socks,” only to remember that that stops being a threat once you hit your twenties.  Then it’s like, “Yes PLEASE, gimme those sweet, sweet socks.” So go out and give… Continue reading …socks?