Back for Fall

And with this, I have officially drawn more comics in the month of September than any previous month!  Woo! …yes, I know it’s only 4.  And that it’s the end of September.  But it still counts!

A Desire Deferred

…yeah. I’ve realized that what happened in February to this blog is still affecting me on some level. Some of it is just residual sadness/frustration that it all happened to begin with – just losing almost a decade’s worth of work.  Some of it has to do with references – like, I’ll want to draw… Continue reading A Desire Deferred

The Eyes Don’t Have It

Got my eyes checked for the first time in 7 years. Surprise – my eyes have gotten worse. Especially Ol’ Righty, which is surprising, considering it was the stronger one for most of my life. This time around – nope.  Compared to the left one, it was just blurry. So new glasses ahoy. (Which was… Continue reading The Eyes Don’t Have It

Gremlin Squad

So, I had no idea what to draw for the longest time. Then my friend Chelsea was like, “Why not draw some fan art?” Then I played some more Pokemon. And here we are, with my newly dubbed Gremlin Squad from Pokemon Violet! Featuring: My Bobble-Headed Fire Son! (Emilio the Charcadet) Menace with a Hammer! (Seraphina… Continue reading Gremlin Squad