So, I had no idea what to draw for the longest time.
Then my friend Chelsea was like, “Why not draw some fan art?”
Then I played some more Pokemon.
And here we are, with my newly dubbed Gremlin Squad from Pokemon Violet!
- My Bobble-Headed Fire Son! (Emilio the Charcadet)
- Menace with a Hammer! (Seraphina the Tinkatink)
- One Brain Cell! (Quinn the Paldean Wooper)
- Might Be a Shrew I Dunno! (George the Shroodle)
- And Block O’ Salt! (Silas the Nacli)
For some reason, these little boogers have crawled their way into my heart, and I just can’t let them go.
They might actually continue to pop up, I don’t know. I just really like this random team that I’ve been using, and I wanted to share them.
Also, thank you Chelsea, for the idea! Broke my drawing barrier!